A friend of mine tells people that she is 64 or 72 when they ask. In reality she is only 53 but she loves hearing people say "Wow! You look great for 64!"
Why do we have to justify getting older. Lots of times I'll hear 40 is the new 30 or 50 is the new 40. But I say 50 is the new 50. It's awesome.
40 was cool but it was really sort of just a new relaxed version of 30. The kids were still at home and while careers were a little more defined, life sailed on into 40 with just a squeak.
But there is no denying 50.
50 comes on like a blind date. You sort of think you know what to expect but you're usually wrong. For me, 50 brings a house with no kids, hot flashes (what a cliche), new worries, and new joys.
This year is a particularly big milestone year.
One more kid turns 21.
Tom and I celebrate our 30th anniversary.
I hit the speed limit!

With every decade there are new discoveries and new joys. So I say 50 is the new 50. Embrace it. Love it. Put the pedal to the metal and Cruise on into it.
Why do we have to justify getting older. Lots of times I'll hear 40 is the new 30 or 50 is the new 40. But I say 50 is the new 50. It's awesome.
40 was cool but it was really sort of just a new relaxed version of 30. The kids were still at home and while careers were a little more defined, life sailed on into 40 with just a squeak.
But there is no denying 50.
50 comes on like a blind date. You sort of think you know what to expect but you're usually wrong. For me, 50 brings a house with no kids, hot flashes (what a cliche), new worries, and new joys.
This year is a particularly big milestone year.
One more kid turns 21.
Tom and I celebrate our 30th anniversary.
I hit the speed limit!
With every decade there are new discoveries and new joys. So I say 50 is the new 50. Embrace it. Love it. Put the pedal to the metal and Cruise on into it.
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