May 15th is the Idaho Primary day for candidates to go on the ballot in November. Be sure to vote!
Here's why I'm asking for your vote.
A strong economy will help build strong families and stronger communities.
We need a simpler, smaller, and smarter government.
The government needs to do a better job serving our local communities and strengthening our families instead of adding more regulations, more laws, and more taxes.
My proven expertise is in bringing people together from various interest groups to make this happen.
We need to defend states' rights and insist that the federal government cooperate with and support our local businesses. Too often their heavy handed tactics hurt rather than help Idahoans.
Idaho is an amazing state with great resources. Those resources include our local citizens. There is no government agency that understands better, or loves our state more, than the people who live here, work here and are raising their families here.
Here's why I'm asking for your vote.
A strong economy will help build strong families and stronger communities.
We need a simpler, smaller, and smarter government.
The government needs to do a better job serving our local communities and strengthening our families instead of adding more regulations, more laws, and more taxes.
My proven expertise is in bringing people together from various interest groups to make this happen.
We need to defend states' rights and insist that the federal government cooperate with and support our local businesses. Too often their heavy handed tactics hurt rather than help Idahoans.
Idaho is an amazing state with great resources. Those resources include our local citizens. There is no government agency that understands better, or loves our state more, than the people who live here, work here and are raising their families here.
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